Russian leader Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022. The power-hungry dictator sent in troops to their south west neighbour, causing mass panic in a country populated with over forty million people. Leading to a mass exodus as civilians went seeking refuge from the crisis in other countries. Many towns and cities being bombed as attacks escalated by land, air and sea. Despite denying accusations that a war was coming, having been asked about it in months leading up. Following a German statement claiming that the peace deal was torn up. Labelling it as the ‘Putin War’.
As a knock-on effect of the on-going conflict many sporting events have been cancelled. With a vast range of national sides announcing they will not face Russia, in support of those who are suffering. Leading to FIFA having to take immediate action. Initially, the organisation sanctioned rules with minor effects. Including playing matches on neutral territory and changing the sides name to the federation union of Russia. Before increasing implications, which saw the country removed from competitions altogether. Leaving teams such as Poland, Sweden and Czech Republic with pre-determined victories in upcoming games. Having been scheduled to compete in world cup qualifiers. Further adding to the consequences, Spartak Moscow were removed from the Europa league. As UEFA applied a ban on Russian teams. Handing RB Leipzig, a bye to the quarter final.
Chelsea was also impacted by the Russian decision. Owner Roman Abramovich deciding to hand over control of the London club, following advice from the European Parliament president. Putting stewardship of the team in the hands of its charity foundation. For the first time since taking over in 2003. Ending a major reason for their success over the last nineteen years. A spell which saw them add five premier leagues, two champions leagues and five Fa Cups to an empty trophy cabinet.
Belarus have also faced bans from sporting affairs. After the international Olympic committee execute board axed athletes from competitions, as they hope to protect other participants from danger. A notion shared by the governing bodies of Ice Hockey organisations. Removing Russian clubs until further notice.
Across the United Kingdom spectators have created initiatives to show support. Flags and shirts a common sight amongst stands at different levels of the beautiful game, creating unity between home and away supporters.